I’m going to the store, what emotions do the robots want?
Hi everyone! ☀️
I'm Azède and I just moved from .art who I used to host my art for a long time (@Anzeliane)
I'm a french furry artist making art when I'm able to.
Here's some of my recent artworks, and since I'm still in the process of moving them out more are on their way to be posted here.
Glad to have joined this lovely place, have a wonderful day!
The hobbit had to walk all the way to the lonely mountain and back again? Why didn't he just take the
mechanic girl who knows all of her robot girlfriend's kinks because she specifically programmed them in
This photo was found on my HD, I can't give any credit, sorry.
The #machinist who made them is highly skilled, even if they are totally useless!
Maybe there is no need to add these to my screws database.
We live in interesting times. Friend of mine is a scientist in France. He just got briefing on what to do when traveling to the US. He was told to use an empty, freshly installed laptop with nothing but his presentation on it. Uninstall all messengers and social media. If he has to surrender any of his devices even for a minute, he shall get it checked by the French secret service for back-doors and Trojans.
I guess I rather stay home than going to a conference in the US.
#science #usa
Je vous partage ce petit tip téléphonie méconnu que j'utilise toujours avec bonheur :
Si vous ajoutez des virgules (pause) ou points virgule (prompt) dans un numéro de téléphone de vos contacts, ça permet d'entrer automatiquement ou à la demande les entrées des répondeurs automatiques.
Exemple : un numéro de contact "9999,1;1234" composera le "9999", puis pause de 2 secondes, tapera "1", puis affichera un prompt vous proposant d'entrer "1234" à la demande (utile pour num client par ex).
fact: all robots compiled with Nix are 45 years old (born 1980-01-01).