Rust 1.82 is out, and it's *packed* with goodies 🎉🦀
✨ precise capturing
✨ "unsafe to define but safe to call" extern fn
✨ unsafe attributes
✨ raw pointers
✨ built-in `cargo info` command
and lots more!
robotgirl sleeping in its girlfriends server rack (it's colocating)
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
just pushed a new update for my mastodon 4 web interface tweaks;
- restore the old envelope pm icon
- add option to enlarge emoji on hover
- add option for colored status visibility icons
as always the file is on my git at
can be installed with e.g.
the moon landing was supposed to be faked, but they could only get Kubrick and he insisted on filming on location.
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
for robots a taser is a love making tool, she wants you to use it on her :3 :3
fry her she wants it, she wants to feel electrified
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings