We should genetically engineer transfem saliva to contain estrogen so that they can help others transition by kissing them.
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
petplay but in the “you’re gonna lay across my lap and I’m gonna pet you absentmindedly while I read a book” sense
*blinks* wait. botsin.space is shutting down because it ran out of space
bots out of space :O
beep! preparing to [defragment, recharge]. please provide this unit with BOTHAJ soft toy mechanized shark 55cm or greater
Hey friends, it's hard to write this, but it's time to retire botsin.space. I wrote a post about it here: https://muffinlabs.com/posts/2024/10/29/10-29-rip-botsin-space/
TLDR the site will go read-only on or around December 15th.
I'm so thankful for all the support and good times here ❤️ thanks everyone
do not leave subs unsupervised, always use checked_sub
Stolen from a Kei car group #WeirdCarMastodon
I was trying to sneak photos of the cockpit and the pilots saw and just invited us in to see it and stuff, was so cool omg
On a un combiné frigo/congélo, le frigo affiche 19°C mais le congélo est oki à -18°C, à votre avis c’est quoi la marche à suivre?