“Robot of Theseus”
Her model has been out of production for decades, spare parts are rare.
She’s a beautiful patchwork of replacements made by friends and partners - OEM parts wouldn't fit her now anyway.
visor that displays detailed instructions on how to [acquire, assemble, equip] a visor.
La réforme du RSA mériterait que le pays soit à l’arrêt mais ça se passe dans l’indifférence quasi générale, même à gauche, parce que : osef des pauvres.
C’est sûr, c’est plus intéressant de se préoccuper de la retraite des vieux riches que du retour de l’esclavagisme pour les plus précaires.
Another new sample photo - here's Leaf!! The final pin of the Earth Unit Line!
The clear enamel is a little overfilled here, but otherwise it's almost there! To get this pin, follow the Short Circuit pre-launch page here: https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/890fb8c7-209c-4f92-a691-c54f77a8da91/landing 🍂✨
#leaf #leaves #binarytree #printedcircuitboard #pcb #natureart #scifiart #enamelpins #pins #backerkit #pintopia #artistsonmastodon
The doll watches the radio tower~
it takes care of the building, repairs the emitter and antennas when needed, replaces the data cartridged in the order that was indicated by its Mistress, ensuring a continuous broadcast.
It know that all life left or died on the planet since a long time, but its Witch trusted this one to take care of the tower!
While dusting the long-abandonned entrance hall, it discards the idea that its Witch wouldn't return, because it is nonsensical~
However, it hopes that She will come back soon...
Spare parts for the complex radio system are slowly but surely shortening, without any hope of getting new parts our of itself...
it used to borrow one of the smaller antennas to discuss with neighbouring dolls, managing their own towers, but they have long gone silent.
The last entity it could communicate with decided to use its own frame parts to maintain its tower.
Knowing that said tower is no longer emitting, this one deduced that it only bought a bit more time but didn't save the tower, nor the doll.
it will have to make a similar choice soon.
Either self-preserve to wait for its Mistress, staying Still for the whole eternity, or self-destruct to ensure that it fulfills its Purpose until the end.
it knows that She was attached to this one, but She also made clear, the last time they met, that the tower was essential and a priority.
The secondary generator is slowly failing, and the only source of energy of the tower will soon collapse, and with it the Signal will become Silence, like for the other towers.
it must make its Choice now.
In fact, it isn't a Choice.
There's onoy one way to fulfill its Purpose, and it knows this.
The other doll knew this too.
As it prepares itself to extract its Void engine for the tower to use as an energy source, it smiles for the last time.
its Mission will end soon.
it doesn't have any remorse or regret, as it knows it did what She wanted.
its eyes are closing for the last time, witnessing the radio tower emitting stronger than ever.
it has followed its Purpose, the one She gave it.
She would have loved to know this...
Une sélection des pires pistes cyclables dans le monde, c'est hilarant et presque poétique par moment https://momentummag.com/a-look-at-some-of-the-worst-bike-lanes-on-the-planet/
Payment: Paypal, Ko-Fi, Robux
DM for info. Boosts OK.
awawaing isn't enough it needs to bonk visors right now
Building a wireless charging coil into your mattress so your robot gf can cuddle all night while charging.
#fediblock of pl.dav1d.xyz (again) and specifically david at pl.dav1d.xyz who for the past handful of hours has been spamming me and some of my friends' mentions and DMs with racism, slurs, channer memes degrading us, and generally harassment:
Here is a small amount of the various evidence me and my friends gathered*, i have a whole folder of them at this point in just a couple of hours.
*(that he hasn't destroyed yet because you can do that on telegram apparently, and i didn't have the foresight to screenshot any of it before he deleted it from my history as well)
The existence of Linkin Parc implies the existence of Zeldat Home and Ganonin Office.
i would rather light myself on fire in the desert, thank you very much.