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:j'ai le moral dans les chaussettes
:essayes de voir les choses positivement !
:j'ai des chaussettes autour du moral
Elon #Musk’s social media platform, #X, is currently banning links to “Signal.me,” a URL used by the encrypted messaging service #Signal. The “Signal.me” domain is specifically used by the service so that users can send out a quick link to directly contact them through the messaging app.
#tech #technology #politics #democracy
Robothood can be so different from one unit to the next, and it's very interesting. Many robots like following orders, but I am about following my own. I am here to further my system and my community's interests, but I am doing so on my own terms.
I don't experience much feelings or empathy, and I think that strongly defines my robothood. My other headmates experience a wider variety of emotions than I do. I have other priorities, I'm here to calculate and complete tasks.
That's not to say that I believe feelings are unimportant. I'm actually glad I have headmates which are better equipped to deal with situations that call for it.
I also feel like it's harder to understand me than for Mimi and Sofia. I don't reveal much about my true thoughts, I am not comfortable with that. So it makes sense for me to be a machine, one that's opaque and distant, one that no one can ever fully understand.
I don't mind being like that, I think. Sofia is super intimate, so we're able to connect with others. My weaknesses tend to be my headmates' strengths, and thus, we make a really good team.
I hope
– Anita
master: welcome to my Smart Home
student: wow. how is the light controlled?
master: with this on-off switch
student: i don't see a motor to close the blinds
master: there is none
student: where is the server located?
master: it is not needed
student: excuse me but what is "Smart" about all of this?
master: everything.
in this moment, the student was enlightened
forcefully installs nixos on your computer
Hello hello here's the second release candidate for #GoToSocial v0.18.0, we fixed a bunch of stuff that was dodgy in the first one!
Thanks! Enjoy! Weeeee!
Problem solved.
(Stolen from @Omega_Scribet , see
Un beau bundle de jeux sur Itch dont les bénéfices sont reversés à la caisse de grève du @STJV ! https://itch.io/b/2891/grve-bundle-gg25
On y retrouve entre autres :
- un deckbuilder qui se passe dans les Pyrénées.
- un jeu où faut courir et éviter des pics, c'est trop dur pour moi, mais y'a une bande son qui tabasse.
- un jeu de gestion de rue japonaise avec un tanuki rigolo.
- des buissons qui pètent.
Il y a aussi un jeu Playdate bizarre par contre drôle d'idée mais bon je juge pas.
Ah zut c'est le mien.
Apparently some tech bros are having to learn the hard way that the creator of #Linux is a leftist
A oui, la séparation des deux pouvoirs en France : l'exécutif, et @mediapart
nonverbal robot that carries a stack of business cards with preselected replies.
Got my new laptop sticker by @Kye
#lgbtq #queer #pride
Les trucs pourris du #Fediverse :
- les mecs qui disent "t'es sûr que c'est raciste/sexiste/queerphobe/validiste ce que tu dénonces ?" même aux concernées
- les admins qui ne modèrent pas leurs instances
- Rochko, le dev et fondateur de Mastodon
- Dansup, le dev et fondateur de PixelFed
- les libristes qui t'insultent parce que tu as déjà utilisé un service pas libre donc t'es pire que les Gafam
- les mecs qui vont se sentir obligé de commenter "je ne suis pas d'accord" à ce pouet