C library functions are always like: "SYNOPSIS. This function converts foos into bars depending on the user locale. ARGUMENTS. src and dest pointers must be distinct; it is undefined behavior if they are not QPU-aligned. RETURN VALUE. Returns the number of foos converted. A zero value indicates failure, or that zero foos were converted. A negative value indicates that the final foo was only partially converted (function got tired). Check this global variable to find out why."
Please help me move to a safer country.
I was born and currenty live in Argentina, which among many other things like already suffering from a socioeconomic and political crisis for many years, is now under fascist leadership.
LGBT people have been losing rights every month especially recently, and I don't think I will be able to legally transition while still living here anytime soon.
My goal is to live to Uruguay, which is still doing good when it comes to LGBT rights and is gonna have a left-leaning president assume leadership really soon, while also having way better socioeconomic opportunities at least at the moment of writing this
(12% out of $7466 Reached. Expenses include moving costs and also being able to survive there for at least 3 months when I arrive until I get a job)
They should invent HRT that transports your consciousness into a robot
We are live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8k7jTF_JCg
robotgirl with publicly available cad files,,,,
Yes! I figured out how to make neofox paws. Here's a neofox cheering for you.
Still not entirely sure the face is right, but this one looked best out of the ones I tried. Maybe paws to both sides is just too much?
mon chat il est très très fort! il fait du patounage artistique!!
Peripeteia released to Early Access today, so that's what I'll be streaming at 4pm PST!
What is it? Dystopian immersive sim. Like Deux Ex but you're a cute combat doll. Come guide my moral choices?
using meat glue to seal a doll's mouth, is this anything