💻 Quels sont les logiciels libres recommandés pour les administrations ?
La réponse en consultant le Socle interministériel de logiciels libres (SILL) développé par @codegouvfr, notamment à partir des données #opendata du Comptoir du libre de l'@adullact.
C'est par ici : https://code.gouv.fr/sill/
Some photos from Apex, the weirdest coolest electronics surplus store in existence.
Would you be interested in a raw machined aluminum chassis?
the “ieee” in ieee754 is the sound you make when you realize you have to implement that standard.
Edit: Apparent creator of this image, Pavel Samsonov: https://bsky.app/profile/spavel.bsky.social/post/3jvu3gud4hk22 /via @jsit
Aujourd’hui vous pouvez retrouver des camarades de Solidaires Informatique qui parlerons syndicalisme :
A 14h sur la chaîne Twitch de @Nat_ali pour parler #QuanticDream, #Ubisoft et action syndicale.
A 19h30 sur une libre antenne "Pourquoi l'IT ignore les syndicats ?" ici : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y5Om928dV8
the #DescriptionDelegation has seized this post
Don't forget to give your chair a treat every once in a while
Earlier this year, I was shown an AI-written blog post about "How To Make A 32 Bit Wine Bottle." About 80% of Google search results are now AI-written blog posts, but this one's notable, because it's a great illustration of a failure mode unique to LLMs.
The chatbot that wrote this repeatedly gets confused between "wine" (the drink) and "WINE" (the Linux thing.) It attempts to mash these topics together and does so with grammatically plausible sentences that are, however, complete nonsense.
I'm so sad, http://perdu.com seems to be over.
It's a HUGE page of history of french Internet that's over.
For those who didn't know it, this page existed since 1996. perdu.com can be translated to lost.com, and it consisted of a single page ascii art saying :
Lost on the Internet ?
No worries, we'll help you
* <----------- you are here