Je viens de tomber sur ça sur LinkedIn et je suis morte de rire.
[Drone unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Drone status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
today i went to CSD Frankfurt, it was quite nice
photo is featuring @sophie
robot girl that permanently loses their train of thought if interrupted,, she has a garbage collector that already freed up the memory used for those thoughts
Hello le Fediverse :)
Je cherche des gens chouettes à suivre, sans idée préconçue. Ça peut être des artistes, des gens qui parlent de leurs passions, de leur vie…
Idéalement expliquer la recommandation en une ou deux phrases ?
Merci :)
How to talk to robotgirls
ssh user@robotgirl
ssh root@robotgirl
[Drone unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Drone status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
how to talk to robot girls
❌ "how are you doing"
✅ GET /metrics HTTP/1.1
#Signal was warranted again, and as always they gave the only data they could give: time of registration in Unix miliseconds, and time of last connection in Unix miliseconds.
yet another reminder that you can't give away data you don't have in the first place.