[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
just pushed a new update for my mastodon 4 web interface tweaks;
- restore the old envelope pm icon
- add option to enlarge emoji on hover
- add option for colored status visibility icons
as always the file is on my git at https://git.xenua.me/xenua/userstyles/src/branch/main/mastodon/mastodon4.user.css
can be installed with e.g. https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/
the moon landing was supposed to be faked, but they could only get Kubrick and he insisted on filming on location.
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[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
for robots a taser is a love making tool, she wants you to use it on her :3 :3
fry her she wants it, she wants to feel electrified
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
is a server not also a type of doll? built for purpose, endlessly fulfilling its duty until it is unceremoniously thrown away and replaced with a new one.
Remember to paint the correct hand based on your preferred chirality. 😅
i'm a big believer in speaking truth to flower (open and honest communication with plantgirl gf)