robotgirl that determines what music it likes solely by whether the waveforms look aesthetically pleasing
robots 🤝 trans girls
making important self-improvements through patches
robotgirl being banned from speedrunning sites (it was counted as a tool assisted run :[ )
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
cute date idea: we try to break into an affini facility together :3
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
when you type a command into the terminal you should have to do it really quickly and precisely because while you're typing you're leaving yourself open for the shell to counter with its own command and potentially do a devastating combo on you
“Am I really disabled?” is not a question able bodied people ask themself ☺️
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
"it's like speculative execution except the execution is you saying it and the check is whether you should have said it or not"
[Unit resuming from recharging sleep...]
[Status code: 099]
8098 :: Code 105 :: Statement:: Greetings
Nous avons appris ce matin qu'Imni est décédée. Les personnes les plus proches ont été contactées. Il n'y a pas de cérémonie prévue pour l'instant, mais il y en aura possiblement une dans les temps à venir. Vous pouvez me contacter si besoin de plus d'informations.
Elle me manquera énormément, ainsi qu'aux personnes qui lui étaient proches. Les mots me manquent. Prenez soin de vous et vos proches. Montrez-leur l'affection que vous leurs portez. Les mots aident, les gestes encore plus.