was a success, so we now introduce dev/void
and dev/abyss
EDIT: ht to @smallcircles, the artist is Anton Gudim and this is their Patreon https://www.patreon.com/gudim
EDIT2: aka @YesBut as per comments below.
open source code doll that can be downloaded by anyone,,,
containers? object storage? yes they do store objects in containers but what does that have to do with computers?
Important Reminder for Signal Users 🔒:
If you activate the new Username feature, you might want to go to:
Settings > Privacy > Phone Number and make sure to select "Nobody" in "Who Can See My Number".
You can also select "Nobody" in "Who Can Find Me By Number" if you prefer that people who get your phone number not know if you are on Signal or not.
This is valid for both Mobile and Desktop.
Nous avons rédigé un guide d’#AutodéfenseNumérique pour nos militant·es et les militant·es d'autres structures.
Cette première version a été réalisée pour répondre rapidement à la situation actuelle et à ses risques.
Il s'agit d'un PDF a télécharger ici : https://solidairesinformatique.org/autodefense-numerique/
having succeeded in purchasing positions of influence inside the White House, the billionaires and tech VCs have now set their sights back on Wikipedia
holy shit wait wait wait wait wait
robotgirl visor that translates DTMF tones to and from heads up display
allowing bot to bot auditory communication with optional encryption
edit: we're exploring some cool ideas for the input method at #mobile_input:imyxh.net !
La loi qui disait que tout doit être accessible en dix ans à 20 ans !
positioning the robot's arms behind its back, then shorting the limit switches in its joints. with the switches apparently closed, the motor controllers will refuse any attempts to move.
of course, the robot is not physically bound, meaning it can be freely repositioned by any other than itself
forcing all landlords to live in their flats for at least a year before renting it
This is the most delightfully nerdy thing I've ever seen: